Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Give Away

O.K I decided to have a little fun and have a give away. I have made a crochet Tissue box cover and added pockets so I could keep all of my knitting and crocheting gadgets close at hand.

I am not the first person to ever make a tissue box cover this way, but I made up my own pattern, and made it to fit my needs.
The give away will be from March 10th till the 15th of April.

Here is a photo of the cover with knit and crochet tools loaded.

{Please understand that you will only receive the tissue box cover not the needles and other tools.}

To win the cover you must go to Christian book and yarn swap where I am a Mod read the questions that I ask, come back to the blog and answer the question. There will be 3 questions in all, and they will be posted on 3 different days.

Here is a link http://www.ravelry.com/groups/christian-book-and-yarn-swap

You must complete all three questions to be eligible to win.

I will post the name of the winner on the 15th of april . You will have 3 days to pm me your address. If I have not heard from you with in that 3 day period I will draw a new name.

Good Luck.


PurlingPenny said...

What a handy and lovely project for a give away.

I think Jesus meant that He is the source of true life, and that He is the one who sustains us. He wants us to turn to Him to have our needs met. If we feast on all the spiritual food He supplies, we will never hunger or thirst spiritually.

Lora said...

I believe Jesus is speaking about spiritual needs. Inside we used to hungry for something without knowning what it really was. Now if we have Jesus in our lifes we look for him to supply those needs and he provides the "food" so we will no longer look toward earthly things to attempt to fill us.

Zira said...

I used to think this meant Jesus was trying to convince people that as long as they believed in Him and in his Father, God, that they would be taken care of and would not ever be hungry. Unfortunately, there are a LOT of homeless, hungry Christians in the world, so that couldn't possibly be it. I'm not sure what he meant, metaphorically. Maybe he means that while you may starve to death here, in heaven you will never be hungry.

Lora said...

Two Names of God;

Alpha and Omega

PurlingPenny said...

Two names of God....... Elohim, and Jehovah.

knitroxie said...

adonai and jehaovah yahweh

Lora said...

The real meaning of Easter is that Jesus lives, not even death could hold him. This is the time we celebrate that Jesus died for us then rose again so we can live forever with him.


PurlingPenny said...

Easter. God loves us so much, that He gave Jesus , His Son, to pay the price for our sin on the Cross. Jesus has conquered death and the grave, and we can now have everlasting life. Thank You Jesus!

Elven Princess said...

I wasn't sure whether you wanted them all together or separately so I am posting it like this. :) ~PrincessAmelia/Emily (from Ravelry.)
1. Well, the Lord provides for His people. Also reading the Bible is feeding our spiritual lives and believing also gives nourishment to us. What more can we need believe in Jesus and He is in us? He freed us from the bondage of sin and death with his death on the cross. He said during the passover meal that the bread symbolized His body and the wine symbolized his blood which purified us and tore the veil in the temple. We can now worship the Lord and pray without a physical priest.
2. Elohim, Yeshua, Jehovah Jireh (I hope thats spelled right.), I AM, The Almighty,
3. The real meaning of Easter is Jesus. Its not when the Easter bunny comes to the house to give children candy. Its a day to celebrate Christs death and resurrection. A reminder that Christ has saved us from being in the bondage of sin so that those who believed and are saved can live with Him forever! :D